September 2004 Blog Posts

Preview RAW camera files in Microsoft Picture and Fax Viewer

Via Shahine Omar, at $9.95 this dpMagic product is tempting. See screenshots.

Animal Cruelty

I eat meat and I have no illusions about where it comes from. Like it or not, we are a carnivorous species and the meat industry has grown out of a real necessity. But that is not what this post is about. I think intentional animal cruelty, such as encountered and described by Sara Ford is just unforgivable. Yes, it is too often that people take on pets without realizing the full extent of the burden they take on, but one has to take responsibility for one's actions. As the absolute last resort, if you are not able to take...

Top 10 Criteria Investors Want To See in a Business Plan

In the process of cleaning my desk, I came across this clipping from a November 2003 issue of Bio-ITWord: Top 10 Criteria Investors Want To See in a Business Plan. Sure enough, there was a digital copy out on the web. Just in case they take it down, here they are: 1 Proof of concept. Demonstrate a tangible and viable product. Experimental betas should be field-tested or put through simulation. 2 Product diversification. A software designer that commits resources to developing a broad portfolio of applications signals that biodefense is a core business, not just a pet project on the side, and...

Simple .Net screen ruler (awesome!)

Jeff Key posted a simple screen ruler he wrote in .Net (source included). Grab it today!

San Francisco Bay Area police speed traps

I took a driving school class the other week, which was actually pretty good. Granted, my expectations were pretty low as the last time I sat through traffic school some 5 years ago, I remember it being one of the most tortured experiences of my life. Still, this time around the time flew by pretty quickly and I was never bored. If you ever find yourself needing to attend, give the Lettuce Amuse U Comedy Traffic School a buzz at 800-286-8051. For the record, my instructor's name was Mik Berry. Keep in mind, this is by far not the cheapest...