Web Development

Cure long startup delay of vs2008 debugger

Lately, starting up a debugging session in Visual Studio 2008 has started to take a really long time (as in sometimes minutes!). I was contemplating uninstalling and reinstalling but the prospect didn't excite me. Finally, I did some digging around the Interwebs and found my answer: apparently, large number of breakpoints can significantly impair debugger startup time. No, I don't know what "large" means, but Debug -> Delete All Breakpoints cured my problem and now the debugger starts up instantly. So, posting this here in case someone else runs into this problem.

Try Google Pages, get spam

Last week Google unleashed another innovative service onto the world in the form of Google Pages (*cough* Geocities *cough* 1999 *cough*). Now anyone can easily put together a nice looking web site. Google supplies a whole bunch of professional looking templates, script is not allowed, editing is WYSIWYG, and there are no popups. In a word, brilliant. Except for one little tiny thing: your website address is .googlepages.com, which just happens to correspond to your GMail address @gmail.com. Now I am willing to bet there are already multiple trivial spiders running around looking for links to *.googlepages.com, assembling the lists. I won't jump and...

I got Dugg!

In a first for this blog, my rant on arrogant web designers got dugg. The interesting thing to me is that at the time of this writing, there is only one commenter that agreed with me and four who didn't get my point at all and ranted back about IE's poor standards support. Oh well, I just hope they are a vocal minoroty. :)

Are you an arrogant web designer?

If you are the person responsible for BlogLines, you are. Before I get into my rant, let me classify site designs into three buckets: Arrogant: common among Mac and Linux people. They discount windows and Internet Explorer on religious grounds, code up page layouts to look good in their favorite browser (FireFox, Safari) and assume that because their browser of choice is known to be fairly standards compliant, their work is therefore standards compliant. There are two fallacies with this approach: first, just because browser X renders something one way, it does not necessarily mean that that is the right way (either due...